Conservative dentistry
Conservative dentistry is one of the basic branches of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases and defects of the teeth and oral tissues.
Its main aim is to preserve the patient’s natural teeth in the best possible condition for as long as possible. Conservative dentistry focuses on the maintenance of healthy teeth and the prevention of disease.
Here are the main areas of conservative dentistry:
Conservative dentists perform a thorough diagnosis of the patient’s oral cavity. They use a variety of tools such as clinical examinations, X-rays, periodontal examinations and others to assess the condition of the teeth, gums and oral tissues
Treatment of cavities:
Conservative dentistry deals with the treatment of carious diseases, i.e. cavities in the teeth that can be caused by bacteria and acids. Treatment includes the removal of infected tissue using a laser and restoration of the tooth, for example with dental fillings.
Prevention is a key component of conservative dentistry.
This includes patient education on oral hygiene, recommendations for a healthy diet and regular check-ups with the dentist.
As part of prophylaxis, dentists also carry out treatments such as scaling, fluoridation and varnishing to reduce the risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease.
Endodontics is a branch of conservative dentistry that deals with the treatment of diseases of the tooth pulp, such as pulpitis.
Endodontic treatment involves removing the infected pulp and filling the root canals.
The main focus of conservative dentistry is the prevention and treatment of caries. It also includes endodontics, i.e. root canal treatment of teeth affected by chronic pulp inflammation. Conservative dentistry aims to keep teeth healthy and protect them from extraction for as long as possible.
How does tooth decay develop?
Dental caries is the most common infectious bacterial disease of the hard tissues of teeth.
People differ in their susceptibility to caries. However, it is worth remembering that it is an infectious disease, so any signs, even slight ones, of its development should not be ignored. The fillings used by dentists are aimed at inhibiting the development of the disease. In order to effectively protect your teeth, you should limit sugars in your diet, maintain impeccable oral hygiene and visit your dentist for a check-up at least once every six months.
When bacteria in the mouth digest sugars from our food, they produce acids (mainly lactic acid) that lead to a gradual demineralisation of tooth enamel.
These bacteria are also involved in the accumulation of plaque, which is also their habitat. Plaque is a soft deposit that should be removed regularly during tooth brushing. If plaque is not removed thoroughly, it promotes the build-up of mineral salts, which transforms plaque into tartar, which is much more difficult to remove.
The sugars contained in the daily human diet vary in their caries-forming effects. Glucose, sucrose and fructose are considered to be the most favourable for caries formation. It is worth knowing that artificial sweeteners (e.g. aspartame) do not cause caries. An important factor determining the development of the disease is time.
Neither the mere presence of bacteria nor a single ingestion of sugar will cause a cavity. Bacteria, sugars, tooth susceptibility and time – these are the four main factors responsible for the development of caries, which must occur together…
Treatment of tooth decay
The dentist treats the carious cavity by removing the damaged tissue using a laser and placing a restorative material in its place. As tooth decay progresses and infects further tooth tissue, it can reach as far as the soft tissues of the tooth. Inflammation of the pulp then develops and root canal treatment is necessary. Extremely neglected caries may lead to gangrene, i.e. putrefactive decay of the pulp, which threatens not only the loss of the tooth, but also dangerous consequences for the health of the entire organism.
Healthy habits
Preventive treatments in the dental surgery:
As part of conservative dentistry, patients of the Koryzna Clinic in Szczecin can benefit from a number of preventive treatments to prevent the development of caries. These include:
As part of prevention, the dentist may also provide instructions on proper oral hygiene. In the Koryzna office in Szczecin, patients have access to all preventive procedures. Daily brushing and flossing, as well as systematic cleaning of teeth from deposits at the dentist’s office are the key to a healthy and aesthetic smile.
That is, ultrasonic tartar removal.
That is, coating the teeth with concentrated fluoride to strengthen the resistance of the enamel to carious acids.
Aimed at removing discolouration and deposits (can be complementary to scaling).
Filling of fissures with a light-curing fluoride preparation to protect against the development of caries on the chewing surfaces.
Remember that only perfectly healthy, properly treated teeth can undergo procedures such as orthodontic treatment, whitening or implants.
During a consultation in our office, Dr n. med M.Sc. Master of Science in Oral Implantology Kacper Koryzna will answer your questions on the subject of effective caries prevention.